Landfill Gas Collection System Design
Our gas system design philosophy is based on maximizing gas collection with readily-constructible well and header layouts that minimize operational and maintenance issues.

Landfill Gas Control System Design and Energy Recovery
From flares to gas-to-energy plants, we can help you make the right decisions when it comes to gas control and energy recovery.

Landfill Gas Collection System Operations and Maintenance
While we are not your day-to-day monitoring technicians, call us when you have gas collection systems that aren’t working as expected and the easy fixes haven’t worked. We have the experience and knowledge to find the real problem, and get your system back in compliance efficiently and quickly.

Landfill Gas Migration Monitoring System Design
The consequences of landfill gas migration on the environment and your neighbors can be severe and potentially life threatening. Is your gas migration monitoring system adequate? If you can’t answer that with a confident yes, then talk to us. We have the expertise and practical experience in geology, hydrogeology, and chemistry to design a gas migration monitoring system that protects your neighbors, the environment, and you.

Gas Migration Response and Mitigation
Off-site gas migration often requires a quick and aggressive response. You need to get out in front of the issue before you lose control of the process to the local, state, or federal agencies. In this situation, you need a consultant standing with you who has the credibility and experience to address the technical issues while helping you communicate with stakeholders. We know what needs to get done and what it takes because we have been there.

Data Management
EPA-mandated monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements rely on large amounts of data. Get it wrong and you can face a blemished compliance record and tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. Our data management solutions make sure you get it right. EIL’s has partnered with Sanborn Head to provide the LFGMStm database, which gives you the tools to manage compliance and operations in the well field. We also offer the flexible, intuitive CMD database, which gives you command of your continuous monitoring data.